Huckleberry Finn?

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Huckelberry was a young boy, who runs away from home, and floats down the Mississippi River. He meets a run away slave named Jim and the two undertake a series of adventures based on the Picaresque novel by Mark Twain. As the story progresses the duo exploit an array of episodic enterprises, while Huckleberry slowly changes his views of bigotry.

Along the way, Huck and Jim meet the King and Duke, who ultimately send the protagonists towards a different route on their journey. As Huck begins to have a change of heart, he gradually begins to distinguish between right and wrong, and conclusively, Huck is faced with the moral dilemma between the world's prejudice, of which he's grown up with, and the lessons Jim has taught him throughout the story about the evils of racism.

HuckleberryHuckleberry Finn?Huckleberry

Master Wood is the absolutely perfect Huck Finn, just like he's the perfect Frodo Baggins. This was the first movie I had ever seen Elijah in, and he was incredibly talented even when he was 11! He has such a sweet, innocent, baby face in this movie, and yet, he isn't all that innocent!

Huckleberry Finn Summary

People fall for his fibs all the time, and it's rather hilarious to see! Now I know this doesn't sound like it would be appropriate, a 12-year-old who makes a habit out of lying, but he does learn a lesson. The best movies are those that have a moral to them. This version of Huck Finn reveals his coming to realize that slavery is wrong!

He matures in his thinking, and that is a wonderful lesson! I highly recommend seeing this movie. Now it isn't appropriate for everyone; there are some scenes that could be scary for little kids, but it will be well worth it for older kids! This is one of my favorite movies!