Does Xamarin Studio Latest Version And Visual Studio For Mac

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Introduction I have always worked as web or desktop developer using the.NET framework and C# language, however, Angular was dominant in the front-end of some of the projects. In Tunisia, we always talk about the future of Mobile application development but I wasn’t gifted to switch to another language. This is from a few years back; but for my social project, I tried to build a sample using the Hybrid framework with AngularJS and Ionic, Cordova But it wasn’t as easy as I thought. Microsoft bought Xamarin in February 2016 following a strategy to be open and that their software will run everywhere not only Windows.

Following the acquisition of Xamarin by Microsoft, there has been an increasing demand for professionals who can unite C# development with fully featured cross-platform mobile development tool able to share Business Logic and code to deliver fully native applications, it hasn’t stopped evolving since 2011. So, Xamarin was a solution to start developing cross-platform apps, it gives you a smooth user interface with native output iOS, Android even UWP. With Xamarin.Forms, the user interface is dedicated to all three platforms using one framework, that is, XAML.


It’s very interesting if we are able to release an app with the max code sharing for 3 platforms. This course aims to introduce Xamarin multi-platform development framework in my way of learning. Xamarin is well documented with free and paid resources; the best for me to start is Xamarin University (There’s no limit to the knowledge you can obtain.

If we start learning Xamarin, we will find two approach development, the first one is to use Xamarin. Forms where we build all in a portable project using XAML and C# or using Xamarin. Android or Xamarin. IOS, in this case, we will use specific native environments like StoryBoard for iOS with C#. This is an overview about Xamarin, “Xamarin’s not one thing, but many.” This is a small description related to Xamarin, you can find more documents describing the pros and cons Xamarin lets you create Native Apps using C#. In the other part, I will start by defining the hardware and software requirements, you will get what you need to know to start building an application even with no mobile experience.

Set up the environment (Windows and IOS) It is important to note that the tools evolve very fast and it may be that, depending on when you read this post, it is not as useful. If you want to build an Android application, you need Visual Studio 2017 in Windows or Visual Studio 2017 Mac, but if you build an iOS application you can use Visual Studio 2017 in Windows but you have to compile using a MAC or you use Visual Studio 2017 Mac, this is imposed by Apple. System Requirements. Windows. Windows 10.

Core i7, 16 GB RAM (to work more comfortable and the minimum requirement can be Core i5, 4GB RAM). Visual Studio 2017 (In this case it is not important whether the version is Enterprise or Community). Mac. Mac OS 11 (until writing this document, but we use always the last version). Core i7, 16 GB RAM, and 256 SSD.

Visual Studio for Mac. XCode 9 (or the last version). UWP It only works on Windows and its installation is very simple, summarizing the selection of the option 'Development with the Universal Platform of Windows' as an Option to install environment for UWP development and the choice of SDKs: IntelliTrace and SDK for Windows 10. Setting up the environment You can find all needed requirements for Windows or iOS in this documentation: But for both of them, we have to install the latest version of Visual Studio, until writing this document, we have Visual Studio 2017 (for Windows and for MAC):. Windows We can install what we want, the community or professional or enterprise.

We choose Mobile development with.NET. IOS The installation of Visual Studio for Mac is very similar to that of Visual Studio for Windows. You can choose the components and at this point, you may prefer not to install the Android SDK, since you will already have installed in Windows.

Now if you do not use Windows you will have to install the Android SDK and the process that I will describe below can be applied from Mac without any problem. If you are on MAC, the website will detect that and display the download part for Community or others, “Emulator does not. Simulator.” The iOS simulator is not an emulator. This has a big difference.

There are things that only work on the physical device. Simulators are installed with XCode. By default, when installing the IDE, some are already installed, but if you want to add some more, click on the code, then go to Preferences, Downloads, components and select the Simulators you want.

Whenever you install/update XCode run it. Generally, a window for accepting the terms of use may appear. If you do not accept the terms Visual Studio for Mac may not identify the simulators. For more details: prerequisite for Android Android basically needs the following components:. Java 64-bit SDK (JDK).

Android SDK. Android NDK is optional, but anyway I install. When you install Xamarin via Visual Studio it already installs all these components.

However, until the latest version, the installer downloads the 32-bit JDK, which is incompatible. Another point is that it installs them in C: / Program Files /RepositoryName, this is not safe because you can get an error related to the character size of the path that may exceed 256 characters, and in this path, you can have space and this can cause many problems. So, to prevent all these problems, you install each one manually in C: / and then add its paths in Windows environment variables. C:/java. C:/android-sdk. C:/android-ndk Placing these components in environment variables ensures that if I need to use any other development platform that also needs these components, they will already be there, ready for use.

. 23 minutes to read In this article Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.7 Release Notes Click the button to download the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 for Mac.

For instructions on setup and install, see the documentation. To learn more about Visual Studio 2017 for Mac, see. To learn more about other related downloads, see the. What's New in 7.7 Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.7 Releases. – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.7.1. – Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.7 Release Highlights. Visual Studio for Mac now supports.NET Core 2.2.

We added. We now support. NuGet has been updated to version 4.7. Known Issues Refer to the section. Details of What's New in 7.7 Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version 7.7 released November 28, 2018 New Features in 7.7. Visual Studio for Mac now supports.NET Core 2.2.

We added. We now support. NuGet has been updated to version 4.7.

Quick fix improvements Quick fixes can now be applied by using the light bulb or screwdriver icons in the C# editor, or by pressing Option+ Enter when your cursor is on a line of code for which an action is available. You will see an error light bulb if there is a red squiggle indicating an error, and Visual Studio for Mac has a fix available for that error.

(Figure 1) New Quick Fix refactoring option Publish to folder option for ASP.NET Core projects When developing ASP.NET Core applications, there are many different options for hosting your application. In previous releases we supported publishing your ASP.NET Core applications to Azure App Services.

In this release we are adding the ability to publish ASP.NET Core applications to a folder. After publishing your application to a folder, you can then transfer the files to the remote server, which will host your applications. When you use the new Folder Publish feature, it will automatically create a Publish Profile (.pubxml file in Properties PublishProfiles). These profiles can be used in either Visual Studio for Mac, Visual Studio 2017 (Windows) or from the command line with dotnet build (or MSBuild).

(Figure 2) Menu option to publish folder Code Editor For this release we fixed the following Code Editor issues:. Fixed an issue where. Fixed an issue where. Fixed an issue where. Fixed an issue where.

Fixed an issue where. Fixed an issue where. Fixed an issue where. Fixed an issue where it was not possible to see the mouse over content when using the keyboard. Fixed an issue where CopyCommentsFromBaseCodeRefactoringProvider. Fixed an issue where an.

Fixed an issue where the. Fixed an issue where the. Fixed an issue where the.

Fixed an issue where. Fixed an issue where. Fixed an issue where. Fixed an issue where Minimap could be turned off. Fixed an issue where Razor completion would not commit the change if the caret is immediately followed by '. Fixed an issue where renaming a class would ask to reload the file.

Fixed an issue where. Fixed an issue where. Fixed an issue where an. Fixed an issue where it was not possible to configure tabs in XAML files with an EditorConfig file. Fixed an issue where the Tab size in the editor was wrong. We fixed an issue where Cut and Paste would not convert @' and ' formatting automatically.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where the. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue were an.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where deleting emoji in source file creates gray bars. We fixed an issue where. We fixed some.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue with the. We fixed an issue where some C# templates do not work when invoked in the editor. We fixed an issue where.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where re-entering an event handler, after code generation from +=, if the corresponding method has been changed causes code generation to fire again.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where there is. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where the Screwdriver icon never goes away in using statements. We fixed an issue where.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where the code issue icon displayed as a wrench, rather than a light bulb, for removing Using directives. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. Shell.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where new Application Output windows are created on each run.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where there are shadow artifacts in Tooltips on Mojave. We fixed an issue where pinned projects are no longer remaining pinned after a restart of Visual Studio for Mac.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where the InfoBar incorrectly adds a hyphen to the end of the displayed text.

Does Xamarin Studio Latest Version And Visual Studio For Mac

Project. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac builds all projects instead of just the executable and dependencies only when running the project. We fixed an issue where.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. Accessibility. We made the following accessibility improvements:. better contrast in the New Project Dialog. better contrast in the Exception dialog.

VoiceOver improvements. We fixed the following issues:.

There was a loss of focus when configuring the location of a new project. We made it possible to invoke the 'Error' window and 'Visual Studio Update' window using the keyboard. VoiceOver announces the text typed into password secured fields.

VoiceOver focus is not moving to the search results along with the keyboard focus. We fixed an issue where.

Focus order is inappropriate while navigating to the tree items in the left pane of the 'Preferences' window. Focus order is inappropriate while navigating in reverse order in the toolbar. On hitting escape key in 'Value Visualizer' window, both the 'Value Visualizer' and 'Exception Caught' windows are getting closed. Voiceover doesn't announce the name of the close button in the pop up dialogs.

Voiceover announces the controltype of 'General' heading in 'Choose a template for your new project' dialog inappropriately. Voiceover doesn't announce the relation between each of the category and the options under it in 'Project Categories' table.NET Core. Visual Studio for Mac now supports.NET Core 2.2. For example:.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where, after installing.NET Core 2.2 preview,.NET Core 2.1 projects no longer build. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. Feedback Client.

We fixed an issue where the Feedback dialog sometimes disappears and is always visible in screenshot. Web Tools. We fixed an issue where pressing Tab doesn't complete the statement in.cshtml files. We fixed an issue where an error is thrown when inserting new line between and in HTML files. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where the user could not type in.json files.

We display more informative error messages when new Azure app services fail to provision. We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac fails to debug ASP.NET Core Web App with error 'Debug/netcoreapp2.1/testing.dll file was not found.

(MSB3030) (docker-compose)'. We fixed an issue where the Add Docker command could fail with a NullReferenceException. We fixed an issue where. NuGet. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where.

The Update and Restore commands should be disabled for SDK NuGet for.Net Core projects. Version Control. We fixed an issue where the text on the Git credentials pop up window was formatted incorrectly. We fixed an issue where. F#. 'Find Reference Usages' is now supported.

'Find Implementing Symbols' is now supported. Fixed an issue where a.

Fixed an issue where the. Docker. We fixed an issue where. Xamarin This release includes the following bug fixes and improvements for Xamarin: Xamarin.Forms.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. Xamarin.Android. With Visual Studio 2017 15.9 and Visual Studio for Mac 7.7, we are moving from Oracle's JDK to a lightweight distribution of Open JDK meant for mobile development.

Open JDK will be offered as a component to install along with other Visual Studio for Mac updates and you will be prompted to update your JDK settings to use Open JDK once installed. The Device Manager startup time has been optimized. The available system images now reflect the available options for the. This enables Android P support for the device manager when the google manifest is selected in the SDK manager. The device manager no longer relies on the JAVAHOME environment variable being set and it is exported it for processes that require it.

Fixed an issue where AVD Rename would crash the app for the custom ANDROIDAVDHOME case. Fixed an issue where the Device Manager would not indicate there had been system image installation failure. Fixed an issue where jarsigner would be used instead of apksigner. Fixed an issue where it would not be possible to run an Android app in the emulator. Building an Android project when the Java SDK cannot be found is correctly reported as a build error instead of reporting that the Android SDK cannot be found. Wording and behavior made consistent with Visual Studio on Windows regarding how we handle target framework, minimum and target Android versions. The target framework of the project is now controlled more explicitly, first by in AndroidManifest.xml element if it contains the targetSdkVersion property, followed by the project's TargetFrameworkVersion.

Visual Studio for Mac will migrate projects to remove AndroidUseLatestPlatformSdk if it exists. It will also update AndroidManifest.xml to add if it is missing. When publishing to Google Play, we now warn if your app has a targetSdkVersion less than API 26. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where the user is not prompted to install Android APIs above 25 if they are not installed. armeabi ABI option has been removed now that it is no longer a supported ABI architecture. The Minimum Android version and Target Android version selectors in the Android Application settings no longer provide 'Automatic' options. These often resulted in the AndroidManifest.xml file missing minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes. A manifest missing these values is not practical and additionally can cause issues when publishing to the Play Store.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where opening Report A Problem also displays 'install JDK' dialog. We fixed an issue where. Xamarin.iOS This release adds support for new ARKit 2.0 asset catalog resources: ARReferenceGroup, ARReferenceImage and ARObject. ARKit 2.0 supports 2D and 3D objects detection.

ARReferenceImage is the new asset catalog type for 2D images that can be used and recognized by ARKit. Width and Height of the ARReferenceImage can be set in the asset editor so ARKit can render virtual overlays of the correct dimensions. The ARObject type takes an '.arobject' file that can be created by some ARKit. We also made the following improvements:. We updated our CoreML support:. CoreML Model Viewer has been updated to display the new Custom Layers that were introduced with Xcode 10 and iOS 12.

CoreML code-behind generator has been updated to add more convenience methods. We fixed an issue that caused. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue with migration from WatchKit to Xamarin.WatchOS. Fixed an error.

Fixed an issue where Automatic iOS provisioning profile dialog did not have clickable links. Fixed an issue where archiving would use a generic iOS device target even if a specific device is selected. We added support for editing Background Modes for WatchKit Extensions. We added support for CarPlay assets. Added support for Metal 4v1 and 5v1 to DataSet Asset Catalog editor. Added new WatchOS App Icon selectors for the new 40mm and 44mm watches. Added support for Apple Watch Series 4 complications.

Updated the CoreML Model Viewer to display the new Custom Layers that were introduced with Xcode 10 and iOS 12. Added support for the AutoFill Credential Provider entitlement. Updated the CoreML code-behind generator to add more convenience methods.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where.

We fixed an issue where. When archiving a build for publishing, we make sure to build targeting a generic iOS device in case the project is configured the build to using device-specific builds.

Does Xamarin Studio Latest Version And Visual Studio For Mac Free

When archiving a build for publishing, we make sure to save open files in accordance with IDE preferences. We fixed an issue where the simulators were not sorting correctly for new iPhone XS and XR devices. We now recommend installing Xcode if the version needed by Xamarin.iOS is incompatible. Xamarin.Mac. Added support for changing the.NET Framework version to use for 'Full Framework' projects.

Projects are no longer limited to just.NET 4.5. We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac would fail to show new API levels in Minimum and Target Android version drop downs. We improved the error messaging when no JDK is installed. Previously it was not obvious whether the JDK or the Android SDK was not installed. We fixed an issue where.

We fixed an issue where. Activation. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. Installer Feature Improvements We made the following improvements to the installer:.

Does Xamarin Studio Latest Version And Visual Studio For Mac Download

With Visual Studio 2017 15.9 and Visual Studio for Mac 7.7, we are moving from Oracle's JDK to a lightweight distribution of Open JDK meant for mobile development. Open JDK will be offered as a component to install along with other Visual Studio for Mac updates and you will be prompted to update your JDK settings to use Open JDK once installed. We added better descriptions to the workload selection. We hope that these descriptions will make it easier for you to decide which workloads you want to install.

We also made some other minor changes to the workload selection screen, making things clearer and concise for our users. In this release we focused a lot on improving our localization in the installer. We added localization to more branding, the splash screen, and workloads screen to make it more accessible for all users worldwide.

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We understand that not all of our users are using Xamarin and therefore may not have any need to download Xcode. For this reason, we've moved the location of the Xcode dialog to the end of the install and will only prompt it for Xamarin users who do not have it installed (or up to date). This means that you can download Xcode while starting your development, rather than having it interrupt your install. We also understand that Visual Studio for Mac users that don't use Xamarin have no need for the Xamarin Profiler. For this reason, we've removed Profiler from non-Xamarin workloads. Bug fixes This this release we fixed the following bugs:.

We fixed an issue where if an. We changed this to 'Update Xcode'. We fixed an issue where the Profiler is getting installed from installer even though user has not selected any Xamarin workload. We fixed an issue where the Profiler is not getting installed from installer though user has selected all Xamarin workloads. We fixed an issue where a Visual Studio for Mac upgrade fails to copy symlink.

Other. Fixed an issue where the version control Diff view would not show the correct changed text.

Fixed an issue where the. Fixed an issue where an. Fixed an issue where the. Fixed an issue where the.

Fixed an issue where. Fixed an issue with running NUnit 3 tests due to a misnamed test runner application.

We fixed an issue where the. Assembly Explorer listing changes method name when hovering mouse over the method/constructor names. We fixed an issue where the New Project dialog does not select a recent template by default.

We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where. We fixed an issue where adding a unit test, Visual Studio for Mac will crash with a stack trace that seems to try to recursively add the unit test. We fixed an issue where.

Visual Studio 2017 for Mac version released December 6, 2018 This releases addresses the following issues:. We fixed an issue where the C# editor would invoke autocompletion when characters like '.'