P5wdg2 Ws Pro Driver For Mac

Posted on by admin

I'm currently using the Asus P5WDG2 WS Pro motherboard which has both Intel ICH7R and Marvell SATA controllers. Ive only got 2 drives both plugged into the ICH7 ports, my system drive and an NTFS formatted shared drive (i use Tuxera to read NTFS on this system). Up until now its been working fine but ive just stared getting REALLY slow performance from the NTFS shared drive of less than a meg a second in OSX. I dont think its problem with my drive because when i boot of my windows drive that same second NTFS driver performs perfectly. I did a standard vanilla multibeast install made my own DSDT following the instructions carefully and as i said everything has been working fine, for several months. I hadnt installed any specific kext to get the ICH7 SATA working it just worked fine since the original install, i haven installed a kext for the Marvell controller because i dont use those ports. Whats odd is that i havent installed anything new or changed the system in any way to get this performance drop, im presuming there is a problem with the ICH7 controllers kext but im not sure what as the system drive is on the same controller and is working and performing fine, heres a screen grab of the OSX system page to show the controllers and drives: Has anyone seen this behavior before or is able to shed any light on what to do? Pulpmotion 3.5 free download for mac.

P5wdg2 ws pro driver for mac free

P5wdg2 Ws Pro Driver For Mac Free

Im thinking i might have to do a new full install because i have no idea what else to do, Thanks!