Top 5 Alternatives To Abyss: The Wraiths Of Eden For Mac

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Variety At Last. BASED ON DEMO Well, there’s no way to ignore it, the graphics aren’t perfect, and they are a bit blurry on a large monitor. The backgrounds are that 3D super realistic style I dislike. But they’re good enough, and show nice locations, and let’s face it, it’s not the most important feature of a mosaics (nonogram, pictograph) game anyway, is it? Can’t say I’m all that rapt with the music either, and I definitely would have liked this game more if it had more harmonious and varied tones. What this game does have going for it is its different feel, structure and level of difficulty. Important start: you begin with 1 hint, which you can increase as you score, and 2 allowable mistakes, which are also automatically increased as you reach certain scores.

I know that will be on a lot of minds! However, game is not easy for long. In the first 2 levels, I found it easy to score all 3 gold cups (as opposed to silver or bronze). But in level 3, the grids go to 15x20, and while not particularly difficult for that size, it’s a lot easier to make a mistake. I had to redo several of these levels. But then, these games are not something I’m awfully good at.

I like that the tiles you use aren’t always the same from grid to grid. Variety is the spice etc. Also, that most of the resulting pictures are recognisable as the name they have been given. There is no serious attempt at a story line, just a bit at the beginning. And no achievements.

But at the end of each level, you get an addition to your meditation-style Asian garden. One of which is a friendly hippo!

Top 5 Alternatives To Abyss The Wraiths Of Eden For Mac

This too is in that shiny hyper realistic style. Oh, and one of the backgrounds has a dragon.grin. Enquiring minds like to know.wink. In all, an improvement on the same ol’ same ol’ we’ve been getting from those guys I love to nag on the subject of variety. See, guys, it really isn’t that hard! This release is timed perfectly for me.

I have been feeling too drained to focus on HOPAs lately and have just this weekend started looking for suitable alternatives, and this is exactly what I had in mind for those days when you just need to lose yourself in the numbers. I recommend this game! ETA: Hints give you a single intact tile, but you can also expose a pick axe by scoring, and it gives you a single empty space. And automatic completion of a line when all the tiles have been placed. Edited on at 4:47:50 AM PST. Hello Everyone, Welcome to the reviews thread!

Please feel free to post your thoughts and feedback on Fantasy Mosaics here. We appreciate the time you take to put your reviews together, and I know other gamers and the developers do as well. We just have a few guidelines to keep in mind when posting. Our goal with these is to keep the thread tidy, easy to navigate and helpful. Review Guidelines 1) Be sure to keep your reviews on-topic. Reviews in this thread should only be commenting on Fantasy Mosaics.

2) Be respectful of the reviewers. Please keep in mind our and be respectful of our reviewers. They take the time to post here to be helpful. Please do not review the reviews of others.

3) Do not respond to someone else’s reviews with questions or comments If you have any feedback about a review, or you feel that a review contains incorrect details about the game, please contact the poster directly via PM. 4) Do not review developers. While we do appreciate your feedback, we’d ask that you keep your posts in this thread dedicated to the specific game at hand.Moderators will be removing any content in this thread that is not a review. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to PM one of our Moderators. A surprise today! With nothing new on my plate to play, I thought I would give this little game a try and have to say that I was quite impressed. I love every little thing about Fantasy Mosaics and can say that this game lives up to the standards and in many ways exceed what I love about the World Mosaics games.

One of the most important things about the griddler or pictogram puzzles, IMHO, is the ease of using the mouse to complete the puzzles. The development team for Fantasy Mosaics has done a terrific job in this respect and I find that the technical aspects of the puzzle are handled quite well. Some of the more recent griddlers are lackluster but this is quite a colorful little game. Another big plus for me is that there is no time limit to complete the puzzle. I can play at my leisure and enjoy every moment with no pressure - my ideal way to play. IMHO, this is a five-star game and one I will enjoy playing often. Congratulations and kudos to the developers on an excellent game that I heartily recommend to my fellow gamers who are enamored of this type of puzzle game.

Needless to say, this game is a definite purchase for me. A good, but not exceptional game which is pleasant to play, and fairly leisurely in execution. Game is full screen, graphics are sharp, with bold colour. Sound effects are rather subdued but ok for this type of game.

Ambient music is repetitive on a loop, but can be turned off. Left mouse button for 'fill', and right button for 'cross.'

20 groups of 5 levels make up a total of 100 boards. Each completed group awards you with an addition to your 'fantasy journey'. I encountered boards up to 20 squares across. There may well be larger ones as you advance.

Top 5 Alternatives To Abyss: The Wraiths Of Eden For Mac

There are 3 kinds of power-ups which are earned as you play - these appear to be under random 'fill' squares, rather than being earned for good play as such. In addition, you are allowed a pre-determined number of mistakes for each board. All these make for fairly relaxed game play, compared to some other games of this genre. To make it even more so, once you have completed the 'fill' squares in a line, all the 'cross' squares are automatically filled for you. In the trial hour, I completed all the boards I played and received either a Gold or Silver cup for them all. I presume there is also a Bronze cup if you take a longer time.

Boards can be replayed. A pleasant mosaic game, if you are wanting to relax and de-stress. This is an enjoyable game, but I have issues with it. Perhaps I'm simply more 'OCD' about my logic games than other fans of puzzle games, but I found that the game was giving me too much information.

One 'feature' fills in blank squares once you finish a row or column. This didn't bother me too much, as it mostly just saves time. However, they also cross off numbers for you before they should. In a row labeled '2 2 3 3', no number should be crossed off unless there is no doubt it has been taken care of. However, if I were to fill in 2 squares in the middle of the row (and nothing else), this game crosses off the appropriate '2' for me. (or it doesn't, and I know I'm working on a block of 3). I found that this 'feature' was ruining the game for me.

I finished 19 puzzles in my demo hour, but I won't be buying it. I don't use clues on this type of game and I certainly don't want extra information just handed to me whether I wanted it or not. I have purchased approximately 250 games from Big Fish so when I saw this mosaic offering, I didn't bother with the trial, I just bought it. It's a good thing I got it for $2.99 as, in my opinion, that's all it's worth.

This is the first real disappointment I've encountered with Big Fish. I can't speak on the music as I never play games with the sound on.

I found the puzzle items almost childish. If it did not tell me what the item was, I would never have guessed a lot of them. I have played many of these mosaic games and they have all done a better job of the items. The graphics were nice but totally lacked a story line. You decorate one garden and you're done. There are only five boards per level and only 20 levels for a grand total of 100 boards. I breezed through that in no time.

After playing the 100 boards, you have the option of playing random games for as long as you like but why not just add a new garden with another 100 boards? I found that I totally disliked the way it fills in the blank squares for you. This makes it easy enough for a child to play, I guess I want more of a challenge than that.

No offense to the developers but I would be more likely to play it again if you added a bit more meat to it. Seems to me the sky's the limit for you. You could add more groups of 100 boards with each garden having a different look You could add some animals, plants or characters to the scenes. You could also add achievements and rewards to aim for. I would also like to see some difficult puzzles.

I did not find any of these very challenging. I'm sorry I didn't like it more but thought I would give you my honest feedback even if it wasn't as good as some of the others. I will check back occasionally to see if you've added anything new, but quite honestly, I would have to be very bored to play it again. While I am a big fan of mosaics games, and will even play Fill & Cross because of how much I enjoy them, I have to take away at least one and a half of this game's stars. It's unique, it's got a different feel than most of these, it's got a useful and workable interface.

What it doesn't have, at least in the Mac version, is apparently the ability to actually turn off the music. I love to play Big Fish games, but I frequently hate - hate hate hate - repetitive game sound tracks. They're not useful in this kind of game as there are no musical cues or clues that you could really do with, it's just a long, repetitive stream of the same elevator music trying to drive you mad. So I usually turn it off. I found the command easily enough on the game menu, and cranked the volume all the way down but still, droning on and on in the background is a cheesy twinkle of something that reminds me too much of a Midler hit. So no five stars for you. Shut up, cheesy sound track, PLEASE.

Top 5 alternatives to abyss: the wraiths of eden for mac free

Two, and this part is sort of hit or miss, so I'll allow only half a star to take off, this game loads sometimes and sometimes it errors out instead. About half and half at best, though if I've had it open recently, it is easier to reopen. Technologically speaking, the game misses on that alone. Otherwise, very playable, unique and different, and a new feature that takes away one of the most aggravating parts of these games. I'm a total newbie to pic-cross or nonogram games, so decided to try this one out. While I'm sure the pros are bored/annoyed with the crossing out of individual numbers on the lines or auto-completion of the unused spaces when a line is done, I really appreciated these features as I'm finding that I'm not terribly good at these games.

Liked the fact that it changes the color of the blocks every so often, and the garden you build is pretty, albeit a bit strange with the things that get added in. Soundtrack was annoyingly repetitious and I had to turn it down as far as I could, but even with it all the way down, it still sort of tinkles in the background. So far I've played through about 25 levels of the 100, and the grids haven't been bigger than 20x15. I also appreciated that it's untimed.

Would have liked to have more than 2 mistakes allowed before the puzzle's forfeited though (probably just me). Not bad for those who are new to this type of game - it does still make you think, but it's not impossibly hard.