Pdf Mosaic Quick Tour For Mac

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Download Well, good afternoon and welcome to a tour of UICollectionView. My name is Steve Breen- I'll set this over here- and I'm a frameworks engineer on the UIKit team. And I'm joined on stage today with my colleague, Mohammed Jisrawi, also on the UIKit team.

So today we're going to do something a little bit different. We're going to build an app from some specs we receive from our designer, Breanka phonetic, and this is going to leverage many of the capabilities of UICollectionView. Now, while we work through all the tasks required to build our app, we're going to touch on a wide range of topics regarding UICollectionView including layouts, updates, and animations. So we've got a ton of ground to cover, so let's jump right in. All right, so here's the first spec we got from our designer.

It looks like a friends feed, imagine that. A great little columnar layout. It looks pretty straightforward, okay. Okay, this looks great. So here we've got this really fancy looking mosaic layout, which is the contents of our friends feed. Okay, so Mohammed, since you're going to be writing all the code for us and walking us through how to use these features, what are your thoughts on these designs? Well, you know, I'm seeing these for the first time, but they seem like great candidates for collection view.

I think we can have a lot of fun with this one, especially. Yeah, this one looks great. So before we dive into code, and Mohammed starts walking us through this, we need to cover three core concepts we need to understand about CollectionView before we dive right into that code. So let's do these now, and we're going to talk about the layout, data source, and the delegate.

So, first of all, let's chat a little bit about the layout. So if you open up the definition for UICollectionView for the very first time, and you're familiar with UITableView, you notice right away that there's a lot of familiarity in the API. You got a delegate and a data source. All these things look pretty familiar, but the layout concept, that's pretty unique and distinct to UICollectionView. You can really think of it as UICollectionView's super power.

It allows CollectionView to abstract away the visual arrangement from your content separate from the content itself. Layout is all about the where content is displayed. Now, each individual item is specified by the UICollectionView layout attributes, for attributes like such as bound, center, and frame, things like that. You can think of it as a set of properties you can use to define these items that are displayed. You can even customize these by printing your own subclasses of UICollectionView layout attributes and include these in your designs.

So as the user is scrolling through the content on screen, the layout is considered to be immutable. Now if you need to change this, like for example you're going to change the appearance of the layout, you would use the invalidation mechanism, which Mohammed will walk us through in a little bit. Now, one great thing about layout being a separate abstraction is we can transition from one layout to another layout and get a great animated effect when you move between layouts, and layout A doesn't need to know anything about layout B.

They just declare what the layout is going to be, and the transitions occur. So CollectionViewLayout is an abstract class, and as such, it's not meant to be used directly, but rather subclasses of CollectionViewLayout are meant to be used. Fortunately, we provide one. UICollectionViewFlowLayout, and you're probably familiar with this class if you used CollectionView before. Now there's a lot of customization points on CollectionViewLayout including some properties that we'll talk about in a little bit, but you can also customize it using a delegate, and we'll talk about the CollectionViewDelegate in a moment, but CollectionViewFlowLayout will specify additional things that extend that CollectionViewDelegate.

Okay, so what's Flow all about? Well it's a line-based layout system, and because of this, it can cover a wide range of different designs that you might receive. All right, so what does line base mean? Well let's go through this. So the best way to explain what a line based system is like is to give an example, so let's do that. So here we see, we've got a vertical scrolling collection view, and we're going to mimic what flow layout does when it lays out this content.

So here's our first item, and we start at the top leading edge, and we start laying out our items along a line. Now look at this line. This line is orthogonal to the scroll axis. We're scrolling vertically, so the line is horizontal.

Okay, now notice here, we filled up the available space for items on that line, so now we're going to drop to the next line and continue laying out our content. And finally, we drop to that last line, and bingo, we got all our content. Now if I dropped some guides on here to show highlight where those lines are horizontal, let's talk about some definitions that we have for ways to customize flow. First up is the notion of line spacing.

And as you see the arrows here, the line spacing is going to be the space between these horizontal lines. Similarly, inter-item spacing is the space between the items along the layout line. And we have two properties on flow layout that let you specify the minimums for both of these. So let's cement our intuition a little bit and rotate the whole thing, pi over 2, and let's start over at the top leading edge. Now, this one is scrolling horizontally, right, so we're going to have a vertical layout line, and when we get to the bottom of this area, we filled out that line, back up to the top. This pattern is pretty familiar now, right. There's all our content.

Now we have our vertical layout lines. So now in this orientation, our line spacing is this. And our inter-item spacing is this. It's key to remember when you're working with flow layout. Okay, so that's layout. Let's talk a little bit about the data source, and if you work with TableView, this should look very familiar. It's a very similar pattern.

They share very similar APIs. Okay, so if the layout is all about the where content goes, the data source is the what.

The content itself. Three core methods to think about here. The first one is optional, number of sections in CollectionView, and this one if you don't provide it, we'll just assume you mean one. Similarly, we have number of items in section, and this is going to tell you the number of items in each individual section, because they can all have different numbers of items.

And then the last one, sell for item index path is where you provide the actually content you're going to display to your users. So that's the data source.


Okay, the final of our three topics we're going to talk about before we dive into code with Mohammed is the Delegate. So use of the Delegate is optional.

Now, CollectionView is a subclass of UIScrollView. So we use the same Delegate that's provided by the ScrollView superclass, but we extend it. So if you need to modify scrolling behavior, you can do it also against this same Delegate and also work with some of the UICollectionViewDelegate methods that provide things like fine-grained control over highlighting and selection as the user interacts with your content. And we also got an API that let's you know, hey, something came on screen. WillDisplayItem and DidEndDisplayingItem.

So those are the three core concepts we really need to talk about before we dive into code to get started with UICollectionView. So let's switch over to the dev box with Mohammed and have him show us how it works. All right, so the first of our two screens that column layout is a great use case for using CollectionViewFlowLayout.

We can probably accomplish everything we need there, and it would be a great way to get us started using UICollectionView. So now while we could accomplish the entire goal of our design with a flow layout, I'm actually going to subclass CollectionViewFlowLayout because we're going to do a little bit of extra customization. So I'm going to start out by creating an instance of my ColumnFlowLayout class, which I've already prepared. I'm going to use that instance to create my CollectionView. I'm going to take that CollectionView, and I'm going to set some view properties, like auto resizing mask, background color, and since it's the ScrollView, I can set some of it's ScrollView properties as well. This is all just to get it to look and feel the way I want it to look in our app. After adding the CollectionView to my view hierarchy, I'm going to register my PersonCell class using its unique identifier with CollectionView so we can get our cell design to app.

And then I'm going to set the view controller as the CollectionView's data source so we can give it some information about how many cells it's going to display and what sort of data it's going to display in it's cells. And then I'm going to set it as it's delegate as well, so we can handle cell selection. So now that we've gotten set up, we need to actually conform to these two protocols.

So let's start out by conforming to the data source, and we have two required methods we need to implement here. The first of these is number of items in section where we can just return the number of people or the number of items in our people array to get our data model objects displayed. The second method we'll need to implement is CellForItemAtIndexPath where we'll dequeue a cell from the CollectionView using our unique identifier, pass a person and object that we get out of our people array, to the cell to actually display our data, and then return the cell. And to wrap things up here, we'll just need to implement one optional method from the Delegate protocol, so we can handle selection. So I'm just going to add DidSelectItemAtIndexPath where we'll just instantiate our FeedView controller, which is going to be our second screen if we don't already have an instance, and then we're going to pass it a person object so we know whose images to display, and then we'll push it onto our navigation controller. So let's build this and switch to the simulator to see.

Applause and Cheering Okay. So we have our CollectionView on screen here, and we have some cells. You can see them, though they're kind of squished. They're not the right size, so we're going to have to do some of that customization we thought we might need to do. So let's go back to Xcode, and let's pop open our column of class here, our ColumnFlowLayout class that we've put together, and let's take a look at what we need to do here. So I already have a stub override of the layouts prepare method. Now, UICollectionViewLayoutsPrepare method is called whenever the layout is invalidated, and in the case of UICollectionFlowLayout, our layout is invalidated whenever the CollectionView's bounds of size changes.

So if our app rotates on a phone or if our app is resized on an iPad. So this is a great place to do any customization that takes the size of the CollectionView into account. In our case, we want our cells to be some function of the CollectionView's width. And we can let the CollectionView know how big we want our items to be by saying it's item sized properties. So I'm going to go ahead and do that here. So I'm just going to set my CollectionView's item size to a CG size with a width that is the width of the CollectionView's bounds, inset by its layout margins, and then we're going to give it a height of 70 points just to match our design.

And since we're already here, I'm going to do a couple of other little things here just to get things to look nice. I'm going to apply a section inset with some padding at the top that matches our inter-item spacing, and I'm going to set the layout section inset reference property to from safe area so everything is neatly tucked within the CollectionView safe area insets.

So let's go back to the simulator one more time and see what our properly constructed layout looks like. That looks great. That looks just like our spec. I think our designer is going to be really happy. And if we rotate to landscape, we see that our cell is a great size, and so we know that our invalidation code is getting called again in prepare. Now while this is okay, you might be thinking, it's not the best that we can do here.

It doesn't look as great as it can. We might want to do something more interesting here like display multiple columns since we have the space available to us. Now flow layout makes it really easy to do this. If you remember during Steve's explanation of how flow layout performs it's layout earlier, flow layout will automatically try to fit in as many items as it can within a line before it wraps to the next one. So using that, we can kind of figure out that layout- that we can get multiple columns if we change our item size. So if we head back to Xcode, to our layout here, and if we just change how we're calculating our item size here. So I'm just going to remove this fit here, and I'm going to replace it with something that does a little bit of extra math.

So I'm just starting out with the same available width that I had before. This is the bounds inset by the margins, and some arbitrary definition of what a minimum column width is, it's 300 points. And then taking both of those values and using them to calculate a maximum number of column that I think I can fit within the available space, and I'm taking that and dividing the available width by it to calculate an optimal cell width, which might be more than our 300 points. I'm then passing that to the CT size that I'm using as my item size. So let's go back to our simulator again and see what our updated layout looks like. So everything is the same here. We didn't break it.

It's a good start, and if we go to portrait, there are our multiple columns side by side, just what we want. What do you think, Steve?

That looks great. We got a great adaptable columnar base layout. Not a lot of work.

What's next in our design? Well, now that we've eased ourselves in with our friends list, it's time to start thinking about that fancy mosaic layout for inaudible. That's going to be great. Let's switch back over slides, and let's chat a little bit about that. So let's take a look at this layout or design here and see what we can do. So our first inclination, I don't know about yours, but mine would be can I use Flow. It's ready to go.

Let's try to use it. So let's zero in on this design a little bit and see if Flow is going to make sense for us.

And this particular region where these three photos are, I'm going to zoom in on that real quick. So now in this instance we have a very large photo on the left and then a vertical stack on the right. So in the flow universe, since it's line based, we're going to lay out that large left item, move over to the next item where it's got room, try to lay out another item, and then jump to the next line. But we're not done. We've got that vertical stack to contend with. So this really is not going to work for Flow because it turns out it's not really a line-based layout, this fancy layout of ours.

But going through this exercise is useful, so, you know, let's start with flow first. So in this instance, we're going to create our own custom layout. Oh, no, we're scared, right.

Nope, it's not complicated. We've got four basic methods to deal with here, and I'm going to bring up one additional method that gets an honorable mention.

So four methods. Our first method I want to talk about is the CollectionView Content Size.

Now, recall before we mentioned CollectionView is a subclass of UIScrollView, and one of the features of UIScrollView is that you have a visible region with a large content area, and you get that great iOS experience of moving your content around inside that, and so CollectionView needs to know how to tell the ScrollView, hey, here's how big my content is. So how do we get this size?

Pdf Mosaic Quick Tour For Mac Free

Well, if you imagine a rectangle that encompassed all the content that the layout is going to define for your CollectionView, we want the size of that. Okay, so that's CollectionView Content Size. Next up we have two methods that are in the business of providing layout attributes. The first one is LayoutAttributesForElements (in Rect). Now this is called periodically by CollectionView when it needs to know what is needed to display on screen as the user scrolls through your content or displays for the first time. So this query is by a geometric region. It's companion API, LayoutAttributesForItem AtIndexPath, as you can imagine, it's just looking for a single item.

Give me the attributes for that. Okay, so we're going to see more when Mohammed walks us through this, but for these two APIs, it's important to note that performance matters. Okay, so the fourth of our four core custom layout subclass items is going to be the Prepare method. Now Mohammed has already chatted about this a little bit. This is called every time the layout is invalidated.

So this is a great time to compute anything, such as your layout attributes you might want to cache and also your content size, which is going to be asked for pretty soon afterwards. So our honorable mention APIs, so let's talk about this one. This is a Should Invalidate Layout For Bounds Change. So this is called every time the bounds in the CollectionView changes. Okay, so again, it's a CollectionView is a UIScrollView subclass. So what do we mean by a bounds change? Well, when a ScrollView bounds change, the origin can change during a scrolling, and also the size can change when the application size changes or the CollectionView size changes.

So this is going to be called during scrolling. Hence the oh yeah emoji. This is called very often. So making the right decision here is important.

Okay, so the default implementation in UICollectionViewLayout returns false. So if you need this to do something different, here's your chance. And as a way of an example, UICollectionViewLayout will return false if the origin changes.

Okay, so if the user is just scrolling through your content, we won't invalidate. Let it by default. But if the iPad rotates, the phone rotates, and your app changes to a different size, it'll return true. Now a slight exception to this is things like floating headers and footers, right. We have to recompute those while you're scrolling your content. That'll do a custom invalidation to take care of those things.

So enough theory. Let's switch back to our development machine and have Mohammed walk us through what this is going to look like in code building this fancy custom, UICollectionViewLayout. All right, let's dive right in. So I've already put together another layout subclass that we're going to use for this layout, and you might notice that it's a subclass of UICollectionViewLayout directly, not a subclass of CollectionViewLayout, and this is for the reasons that Steve explained to us earlier are UICollectionViewLayout doesn't really meet the needs of our custom mosaic design. So the first thing I'm doing here is I'm setting up a couple of instance variables that I'm going to use to hold onto some key pieces of information that I can refer to later. The first of these is a content bound CG rect, which I'm going to use to keep a representative bounds of all the items within my CollectionView. And the second is a cached attributes array, which I'm going to use to hold onto my layout attributes so I can refer to them quickly when performance matters.

So we're going to start out by implementing our prepare method again for this layout. Prepare is the ideal place to do the bulk of our layout work because it's getting called once per invalidation. We can set up our layout here and then avoid having to do any heavy layout work or any heavy layout math in the methods that are called much more frequently. So we're doing a couple of things here. First, we're resetting our cached attributes and our content bounds just to clear out any stale information from previous invalidations. Next, we're doing a few things for every item in our CollectionView.

The first of these is actually preparing the attributes, and now I'm not going to go too deeply into what that entails for our specific layout because this is going to be different for you. This is where you are going to calculate the sizes and positions and transforms, etc., for your cells to match your design needs. But there are a couple of key things that we're going to do here after we are done with the attributes.

The first is, we're going to cache them. We're going to put them in our cached attributes array so we can grab them quickly later on. And the second is, we're going to union their frame with our content bounds rect so that our content bounds are kept up to date. So now that our prepare is up and running, we need to implement the remaining methods in our layout that we need to get everything working.

So the first of these is CollectionView Content Size where if we had done our job right in Prepare, we can just return our Content Bounds as size. Next is should invalidate layout for bounds change. Now since our layout doesn't have any elements that require us to invalidate while we're scrolling, so no floating headers, no floating footers or anything like that.

We only really want to invalidate when our CollectionView's bounds of size changes. So we'll just return true if our new bounds of size is not equal to our CollectionView's bounds of size, our current bounds of size. After that, we'll implement LayoutAttributesForItem AtIndexPath where, again, since we've prepared all the attributes in our Prepare method, we can just grab the specific attributes that correspond to the RequestAtIndexPath from our array. And finally, we're going to implement LayoutAttributesForElements InRect. Now this method is called periodically by the CollectionView with different query rects, which may be bigger than our CollectionView. Our CollectionView is just asking for a set of attributes that match a certain region. It's our job to return an array that contains all the attributes that correspond to all the items that are going to appear within that rect in our CollectionView.

So we can answer that question here simply by filtering our cached attributes array on the frame of the attributes. So if our attributes have a frame that intersects our query rect, we can return them. So let's switch back to the sim and see what our layout looks like. So I'm going to select one of these feeds, and there you go. We have our layout. Our images are nicely loaded in this fancy mosaic configuration, and if we rotate to landscape, you can see that our cells have resized so we've updated everything correctly, we've invalidated, which is great. So this looks like our spec, but that scrolling performance isn't great, is it?

No, it's pretty bad, huh. So you might already have an idea of what's going on here. Let's switch back to the code and see what might be happening. So if we take a look at our layout attributes or elements in rect here, remember that this method gets called frequently during scrolling. So this function here, which is filtering our entire array, you might imagine can get really expensive as the number of items in our CollectionView increases. So the more photos we have in our app, the slower our scrolling performance is going to be.

So if you find yourself in a situation like this, it helps to step back and think about the nature of your layout and think about whether you can find any optimization opportunities. So our layout kind of demands that every cell apps next to or below it's preceding cell.

So this means that our attributes are already sorted within our cached attributes array by their frame's minimum y value. So we have a sorted array, so we can speed up our search by doing something like a binary search as opposed to our linear filter that we're doing now. So let's remove our slow implementation here, and let's replace it with something that should be much faster.

So I'm going to step through this bit by bit, don't worry. So the first thing we're doing here is we're calling into binary search function that we've already prepared, which takes in a range of indices within our array and our query rect. If it finds a set of attributes with a frame that sits within our rect, it'll return the attributes as index within our array. Then starting from that index, we can build up the set of the rest of attributes for our query rect simply by looping up and down in our array and picking up attributes until we exit our query rect, until we find attributes that are outside our rect. And this should be much faster. You have thousands of items in your array.

You're not going to loop through the array thousands of items, thousands of times. Okay, so let's go back to the sim again and let's see what our faster scrolling algorithm looks like. Let's pop this open and give it a flick. It's way faster. What do you think, Steve?

So we've got these two great layouts. So we have our two screens. That just leaves our update animations for our friends list here. Well let's switch back over to slides, and let's walk through that totally cool update animation I think our designer called it. All right, so we've got a video here.

Let's run through this and see what this totally cool update animation looks like. So we have some elements here. We see that last item is getting refreshed. I guess somebody posted a picture, and then we got another item there, it looks like, yeah, that third item smears is not going to be here. So we've got three basic operations happening, right. We've got a reload, a move, and a delete.

Why don't we switch back over to the dev machine, and Mohammed, why don't you show us how this works? Okay, so we're doing multiple animated updates at the same time.

So you might be aware of a great tool that UICollectionView and UITableView provide us, and it's the Perform Batch Updates API, which basically allows us to pass the collection view a set of updates that can be performed at the same time with animation. So I'm going to add a call to CollectionView PerformBatchUpdates, and note that I'm doing both my data source updates and my CollectionView updates in the closure here. This is really the best way that I have of coordinating my updates and keeping things neatly in sync and avoiding inconsistencies. So, first I'm just updating my last item in my data source.

I'm removing the second to last item, picking up the last item, moving it to the top, and then I'm asking the CollectionView to perform the animations that I want. Let's go back to the sim again and see what our update looks like. So I have wired our update code through this update button at the top right corner, and uh oh. What's going on? Oh, that's embarrassing. What's going on here.

You know, I've been writing iOS for a long time. I've seen this movie before. Yeah, it sucks when it happens on stage though. You know, we're running out of time here, so why don't we just call reload data, and we can come back and do the animations for V2. You know, we could do that, but then we'd lose that totally cool update animation, and our users expect these lively interfaces, right?

Yeah, yeah, you're right. You know what? They deserve better. Ah, I like the way you think.

All right, let's switch back over to slides real quick, and let's see if we can save our totally cool update animation. You've seen this before. So first of all, let's dig into this debug exception and see what it's trying to tell us. So it's saying here we're attempting to perform a delete and a move from the same index path, 0-3. So if I remember right, that was the fourth item.

We did a reload and a move on that. We didn't delete it, we deleted the third item, 0-2, right. I don't remember deleting them. So, yeah, what's up with that? All right, but before we do this, let's go back and take a peek at the PerformBatchUpdates API and talk about some high-level principles.

So as Mohammed mentioned earlier when he introduced this API, the purpose of this API is that we can commit multiple updates at the same time and have anything animate together and get that great experience. And as he also mentioned, it's super important to perform your data source updates alongside your CollectionView updates inside that CollectionView update closure. Now, what I'm saying for CollectionView also applies for TableView. So if you got TableViews in your apps, all this information is going the same direction. So let's make some observations here.

The CollectionView updates, when you do inserts, moves, and deletes, the ordering of those do not matter in your update's closure. Put them anywhere you want. Now however your data source updates, when you're changing the structure offer your data source, which is backing that data source, or does matter.

Okay, so this is best served by showing an example, so I'm going to take a example of two arrays that have three elements in them, and we're going to strengthen our intuition on this and show a delete and an insert, but we're going to do the first run through with the delete first and the second delete second. We're going to reverse the order, just to kind of strengthen our intuition. I do this all the time, draw pictures, right.

So we deleted the first item, and now we're going to insert at index one. Okay, on the second example, we reverse the order and do the insert first and then the delete. So our intuition holds, indeed we get a different result. This is probably not a good thing, right. So let's contrast this with the CollectionView updates. Now here I have two sets of CollectionView updates on a submit via batch updates, and I've left out the data source updates, just to keep the slide tidy.

But I've got an insert and a delete on the first one, and the second one has a delete and a insert, and the order is different. This will give you the exact same result.

We're all engineers. We want to know why, why is that? Well, let's talk about that.

How does this happen? Why is the ordering not important for the update sent to the CollectionView, and of course it is for your data source.

So let's walk through these operation by operation. So the first one to delete, this is process in descending index path order.

Now let's talk about the index paths. So first of all, if you can think about what's happening on a PerformBatchUpdate, before the batch update starts, your data.

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Peace & Love. Andrea Compatibility Windows Vista / XP / 2003 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 Full compatibility. Windows 2000 You need to copy the file to the AndreaMosaic folder or Windows folder. Windows 98 / ME / NT Use the Windows 98 / NT version and you need to copy the and file to the AndreaMosaic folder or Windows folder. Mac OS X 10.5 - 10.12 OS X version 10.5 and later (Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, macOS Sierra) with Intel Processor. No PowerPC Processor. Linux All versions that support the Emulator.

History 9 August 2018 - New Release 3.38.0 Changes and Fixes: - Updated Build System and latest Libraries - Added Turkish translation and minor UI changes. 31 May 2018 - New Release 3.37.5 Beta Changes: - Updated Build System. 12 January 2018 - New Release 3.37.4 Beta News: - Added Turkish translation and minor UI changes. 24 March 2017 - New Release 3.37.1 Beta Changes: - Updated Librares and Development Environment. 12 March 2017 - New Release 3.37.0 News: - Background Transparency option in TIFF and Photoshop File Format. Tile Layers option in Photoshop File Format. New advanced option for Web Page creation.

Tiles can be copied in a subfolder or linked to the original location. New main option Adapt Size which replaces Integral Tiles and Adjust Tile Size. Added Advanced option on OS X to disable native file open dialog. Added two new patterns: Landscape (7 rows) and Landscape (10 rows). Added new advanced option Adjust Tile Size. If enabled it is not necessary to use Integral Tiles for avoiding the last column/row to be cropped.

This feature is not enabled with Parquet Pattern. Added two new patterns: Landscape (7 rows) and Landscape (10 rows). Changes and Fixes: - Translation upgrades and minor changes. Minor Bug Fix.

Updated German translation and minor changes to User Interface. Added German Manual in the installation folder. Updated TIFF library to version 4.0.6. Fixed bug which prevented to save very big JPG. Fixed bug on OS X when file name contains non latin characters. Fixed minor bug when creating gigapixel mosaics.

5 March 2017 - New Release 3.36.15 Beta Changes: - Translation upgrades and minor changes. 25 February 2017 - New Release 3.36.14 Beta News: - Background Transparency option in TIFF and Photoshop File Format. Tile Layers option in Photoshop File Format. 10 February 2017 - New Release 3.36.13 Beta News: - Minor Bug Fix. 6 December 2016 - New Release 3.36.12 Beta News: - Updated German translation and minor changes to User Interface. 12 November 2016 - New Release 3.36.11 Beta News: - New advanced option for Web Page creation. Tiles can be copied in a subfolder or linked to the original location.

Added German Manual in the installation folder. Fix: - New Beta version for OS X.

31 August 2016 - New Release 3.36.9 Beta Fix: - Updated TIFF library to version 4.0.6. 9 July 2016 - New Release 3.36.8 Beta Fix: - Fixed bug which prevented to save very big JPG. 24 March 2016 - New Release 3.36.7 Beta News: - New main option Adapt Size which replaces Integral Tiles and Adjust Tile Size. 18 March 2016 - New Release 3.36.6 Beta Fix: - Fixed bug on OS X when file name contains non latin characters. Download skylab studio v2.3 macosx image editing software for mac.

13 March 2016 - New Release 3.36.4 Beta News: - Added Advanced option on OS X to disable native file open dialog. 15 February 2016 - New Release 3.36.2 Beta News: - Added two new patterns: Landscape (7 rows) and Landscape (10 rows). Added new advanced option Adjust Tile Size. If enabled it is not necessary to use Integral Tiles for avoiding the last column/row to be cropped. This feature is not enabled with Parquet Pattern. Fixed minor bug when creating gigapixel mosaics. 9 October 2015 - New Release 3.36.1 Beta News: - Added two new patterns: Landscape (7 rows) and Landscape (10 rows).

7 October 2015 - New Release 3.36.0 News: - New Mosaic Processing 'Sequential by Date'. It will place all images sequentially ordered by shooting date/time. New custom Tile Priority based on a grayscale image map. New improved 1/2 and 1/4 Tile Split selection algorithm. New advanced option for selecting 1/2 and 1/4 Tile Split algorithm. New Experimental Algorithm (only with No Duplicated Images setting). Better support under Linux through software allowing easy install/uninstall.

Improved OS X User Interface and compatibiltiy with OS X 10.11 El Capitan. Updated license usage. BugFix: - Improved Memory usage and minor optimization and improvements. Fixed various minor bugs - Fixed minor bug when saving compressed TIFF files. Fixed bug when writing PSD/PSB files over 12 Gigabytes. Fixed bug when loading settings file. 5 October 2015 - New Release 3.35.11 Beta News: - Compatibility with OS X 10.11 El Capitan.

25 August 2015 - New Release 3.35.9 Beta News: - Improved User Interface under OS X.The native OS X File selection window is used. Fixes: - Fixed bug when loading the settings file. Some setting values where not read correctly. Updated license usage (minor correction). 9 August 2015 - New Release 3.35.8 Beta News: - Updated license usage. Fixes: - Better support under Linux through software allowing easy install/uninstall.

15 May 2015 - New Release 3.35.7 Beta Fixes: - Fixed bug when writing PSD/PSB files over 12 Gigabytes. 8 April 2015 - New Release 3.35.6 Beta Fixes: - Fixed minor bug when saving compressed TIFF files. 23 February 2015 - New Release 3.35.5 Beta News: - New custom Tile Priority based on a grayscale image map. New improved 1/2 and 1/4 Tile Split selection algorithm. New advanced option for selecting 1/2 and 1/4 Tile Split algorithm.

Minor improvements. Fixes: - Fixed various minor bugs. 1 February 2015 - New Release 3.35.4 Beta - New Experimental Algorithm (only with No Duplicated Images setting). It's ok but too slow.

25 January 2015 - New Release 3.35.3 Beta - Improved Memory usage and minor optimization. 14 January 2015 - New Release 3.35.2 Beta - New Mosaic Processing 'Sequential by Date'. It will place all images sequentially ordered by shooting date/time. 10 January 2015 - New Release 3.35.1 Bug Fix: - Fixed orientation of images generated with IPhone. 12 December 2014 - New Release 3.35.0 News: - New option Integral Tiles enabled by default which reduces the crop of Tiles in last row/column. Improved Text Report and changed Tile Size default parameter. Improved Error Messages when saving the Tile List.

Bad images are saved in a Text Report file. Bug Fix and minor changes: - Fixed a memory management issue with TIFF Files. 8 December 2014 - New Release 3.34.4 Beta News: - Improved Text Report - Changed Tile Size default parameter for reduced Tile cropping. Renamed Integral Height to Integral Tiles in the saved parameters. 14 April 2014 - New Release 3.34.3 Beta News: - New option Integral Tiles enabled by default which reduces the crop of Tiles in last row/column.

13 March 2014 - New Release 3.34.2 Beta News: - Fixed a memory management issue with TIFF Files. 19 November 2013 - New Release 3.34.1 Beta News: - Improved error messages when saving the Tile List. Bad images are saved in a Text Report file. 6 November 2013 - New Release 3.34.0 News compared to the previous stable version: - New 'Folder Tile Variation' algorithm. Improved Memory Management (3 GB support and available memory detection). Border Color is now specified in R,G,B values.

PNG File Support for Tile Images, Main Image and MaskFile. Main Image can be irregular through a transparency layer (PNG File). New special MaskFile.n size for a bigger Mosaic size. Multisized Tiles: 1/2 and 1/4 sized tiles.

Tile Priority for position and tile size. Import/Export of all the Mosaic Settings.

VideoMosaic export as a sequence of Images. User Interface improvement with new layout and graphical buttons. Automatic check and download of new versions. Ability to add individual Images to the Tile List. All the settings are saved in a local folder/per user for a improved Portable Usage. Added some MaskFile examples and improved MaskFile creation (bmp+jpg).

Text Report contains also a list of unique files with usage count. The Web Page HTML option will create now a sub-folder with all the required files to publish the mosaic with a simple FTP transfer. Multiple Mask Files supported for each main image.

Mosaic can be saved in Photoshop PSD and PSB format. Tile Images of the Mosaic can be saved individually. Maximum Duplication count parameter can be specified for individual images or group of images (by folder).

Bug fixes and minor changes: - Minor Bug Fix: F1 Key for Online Help and corrected a Warning Message. Minor Improvements in the User Interface. Fixed bug in the Video Frame Extraction. Improved Russian Translation and Plural forms for the other languages.

New advanced option showing a MessageBox at the end of the Mosaic Process. Fixed AVI file creation bug over 4 Gigabytes.

Improved Text Report - Improved Mosaic Information Area - Mac OS X settings are saved in the Application Support folder of the user. PPM file format has now a fixed header of 100 characters for easier importing as RAW image. Fixed (a rare) random crash with multicore CPU. Added Button to load settings from a Mosaic Settings file. Removed support for Deep Zoom Composer (since it's a dead project). 29 September 2013 - New Release 3.33.17 Beta News: - Updated Chinese Translation.

It is possible to add multiple files in the main screen and Tile list window with multiple selection. Configurable Font Quality option. 23 August 2013 - New Release 3.33.16 Beta News: - Updated Russian Translation.

Allow creation of PSB files over 300.000 pixels width/height. But TIFF (Big64) is more portable. BugFix: - Fixed Custom Tile Variation bug and Custom Maximum Duplication parameter MAXn. 4 August 2013 - New Release 3.33.15 Beta News: - Mosaic can be saved in TIFF with JPEG compression. Updated TIFF, JPEG, EXIF libraries. 3 August 2013 - New Release 3.33.14 Beta News: - Mosaic can be saved in Photoshop PSD and PSB format.

Tile Images of the Mosaic can be saved individually. Maximum Duplication count parameter can be specified for individual images or group of images (by folder). Added Button to load settings from a Mosaic Settings file. Removed support for Deep Zoom Composer (since it's a dead project). Minor changes (User Manual, Chinese Traditional Translation). BugFix: - Minor Bug fixes. 24 June 2013 - New Release 3.33.13 Beta News: - Minor changes (User Manual, translations).

MaskFile name saved in Text Report. 10 September 2012 - New Release 3.33.12 Beta News: - Multiple Mask Files can be used for each Main Image. Place all the Mask Files in a Folder and submit that folder when asked. The Web Page HTML option will create now a sub-folder with all the required files to publish the mosaic with a simple FTP transfer. 2 July 2012 - New Release 3.33.11 Beta News: - The Create MaskFile option will save a Image Map with the score/quality of each tile. With the MaskFile feature if there is a main image with suffix ' Mask.png/jpg' then it will be used as a MaskFile.

BugFix: - Fixed the Tile Choice algorithm error introduced in previous Beta version. When creating multiple mosaics the final size of each mosaic was not independent from the current main image.

14 June 2012 - New Release 3.33.10 Beta News: - Improved algoritm with Required Images and the Use All Images feature. Improved OS X version. Added some warning Message with Inconsistent parameters or other errors. BugFix: - Distance between duplicated tiles where not always respected (bug of a previous Beta) - Sometimes not all Tiles are filled when Rotated 90 degrees where disabled. Was unable to save RAW file format if the filename contained Unicode characters. 10 February 2012 - New Release 3.33.9 Beta News: - Text Report contains also a list of unique files with usage count. Improved OS X version (new package, settings are saved in the Application Support folder of the current user).

BugFix: - Various minor fixes - Minor Improvements (multilanguage file handling and EXIF orientation). 27 August 2011 - New Release 3.33.8 Beta News: - Improved performance with multicore CPU. Added MaskFile examples and improved MaskFile creation (bmp+jpg) format.

Minor improvements to the User Interface. BugFix: - Fixed (a rare) random crash with multicore CPU. Minor bug fixes (check for update, open folder on finished mosaic). In some cases the reported Width/Height in the Text Report was incorrect. 29 July 2011 - New Release 3.33.6 Beta News: - Mac OS X settings are saved in the Home folder of the user.

PPM file format has now a fixed header of 100 characters for easier importing as RAW image. BugFix: - Settings where not saved/loaded correctly. Improvement of some error messages. Creation of MaskFile should not include white and black color. OS X Web Links are opened only once per click.

17 July 2011 - New Release 3.33.5 Beta News: - User Interface improvement with new layout and graphical buttons. Automatic check and download of new versions. Ability to add individual Images to the Tile List. All the settings are saved in a local folder, for each user or specified through environment settings for a improved Portable Usage. 1 July 2011 - New Release 3.33.4 Beta News: - Multiple Tile Size feature for improved Mosaic quality. Tile Priority based on size and location.

Improved Text Report in CSV format. Easy Export/Import of all the Mosaic settings for each created mosaic. Improved Mosaic Information Area.

VideoMosaics can be saved as a sequence of JPG images. BugFixes: - Fixed AVI file creation bug for files greater than 4 Gigabytes. They are split in 2 GB chunks. 10 June 2011 - New Release 3.33.3 Beta News: - PNG File Support for Tile Images, Main Image and MaskFile. Main Image can be irregular through a transparency layer (PNG File). Minor Improvements in the User Interface.

Improved Russian Translation and Plural forms for the other languages. New advanced option showing a MessageBox at the end of the Mosaic Process. New special MaskFile.n size for a bigger Mosaic size (Professional Version). BugFixes: - Fixed minor bug in the Video Frame Extraction.

27 May 2011 - New Release 3.33.2 Beta BugFixes: - Fixed a crash in the previous Beta when creating a new Tile Collection. 25 May 2011 - New Release 3.33.1 Beta News: - New 'Folder Tile Variation' algorithm. Improved Memory Management (3 GB support and available memory detection). Border Color is now specified in R,G,B values. BugFixes: - F1 Key for Online Help and corrected a Warning Message. 28 March 2011 - New Release 3.33.0 News: - Updated some Translations.

20 January 2011 - New Release 3.32.18 Beta News: - Updated Russian and Dutch Translation. Mac version includes the Wine Library. 3 November 2010 - New Release 3.32.17 Beta News: - Updated French Translation. Minor changes.

20 October 2010 - New Release 3.32.16 Beta News: - Improvement in the user interface: a new main menu. Minor bug fixes and changes. 07 October 2010 - New Release 3.32.15 Beta News: - New user interface for Load/Edit/Save all the Advanced Settings. Minor bug fixes and changes.

19 August 2010 - New Release 3.32.13 Beta News: - It is possible to Load/Save all the Settings. It is possible to create the MaskFile from the current Pattern. BugFixes: - Minor issues and changes.

16 March 2010 - New Release 3.32.12 Beta News: - It is possible to create Mosaics with tiles placed Sequentially or Randomly (see More Options - Mosaic Processing). It is possible to see a Mosaic Preview before saving the final Mosaic (experimental feature). It is possible to specify a different MaskFile for each Image. If you added image 'MyImage.jpg' then the associated Maskfile should be 'MyImage Mask.jpg'. Minor Improvements in Messages, Text Report, and Settings. Portugues Brazilian translation of the User Interface (Thank you Juliana Vermelho Martins).

German User Manual (Thank you Frank Winkler). BugFixes: - Minor issues. 23 February 2010 - New Release 3.32.11 Beta The Video Extraction feature was rewritten and tested, so the Video Extraction News are: - Support for multiple CPU's. Improved Video Clip selection.

It is possible to exclude Video Clips made of Static scenes. Button for Automatic Crop in the Video Extraction Window. Partital translation for Portugese language.

BugFixes: - The Forward/Backward loop wasn't calculated correctly near the end of the produced Video Mosaic. 11 February 2010 - New Release 3.32.10 Beta News: - Initial Support for VideoMosaics (Windows only, no Mac/Linux). Support for PPM and Photoshop RAW file format. Professional version supports up to 100 Gigapixel mosaics. Improved memory usage. Russian and Ukrainian translation of the User Interface (Thank you Vasily Nadolsky) Changes: - Improved keywords and terms used in the User Interface. Working thread priority changed from Idle to Lowest, and configurable.

Removed x Original Tile Variant option./list BugFixes: - On small screen resolutions AndreaMosaic is resized properly. Minor issues. 4 January 2010 - New Release 3.32.8 Beta Bugfix: - Corrected minor Bugs (http links, open folder links) under Mac OS X. 16 December 2009 - New Release 3.32.7 Beta News: - German Translation of the User Interface (Thanks to Frank IDK) Bugfix: - Corrected minor Bugs under Mac OS X.

9 December 2009 - New Release 3.32.6 Beta News: - Automatic Orientation of JPEG Images based on EXIF Settings (usually those created directly with Digital Cameras) Changes: - Updated Internal Image Library (LibJpeg version 7.0) 7 December 2009 - New Release 3.32.5 Beta News: - Improved performance on Multicore CPUs (Multithreading support). Mosaic's can be saved as TIFF files (useful for saving without compression or with very large mosaics) - Video Extraction support for 8 bit video files (some Flash Videos for example). 19 June 2009 - New Release 3.32.3 BugFix: - Corrected problem with the Add Folder button on Mac OS X / Linux. 16 June 2009 - New Release 3.32.2 News: - Full support for Mac OS X. 25 April 2009 - New Release 3.32.1 News: - Dutch Translation and minor text changes. 1 April 2009 - New Release 3.31.11 Comparing with the previous stable release 3.30 we have: News: - French, Spanish, Italian and Chinese Translation. Several new Patterns, mixing Landscape and Portrait Tiles.

Extra Patterns available with the AndreaMosaic Bonus Pack - Improved MaskFile processing. With Black/White color you can define tile boundaries without a border.

Use All Images in Collection option will not place the tiles on the border - Black&White mosaics can be saved as colored mosaics with the feel of a black&white mosaic - It is possible to specify the location of the saved Mosaic. Improved algorithm when specifying the Frame distance parameter in the More Options. New image resize and new tile building processing for reduced memory usage and improved quality. The Faster algorithm support now the Frame parameters and No-Duplicated tiles together.

Changes: - Minor changes (bigger font for Tooltip, Mosaic Information shows usable/total tiles in Tile Archive, bug fixes) - When loading/saving files the last used path will be initially shown - AndreaMosaic Portrait version is integrated into the Standard version. System error messages are in English now Bugfix: - Fixed bug when extracting frames from a Video/Movie file (was unable to save) - Fixed wrong rotations of tiles (if main tile is rotated and flipping required) 25 March 2009 - New Beta Release 3.31.10 Changes: - Spanish Translation updates.

Bugfix: - Was unable to create mosaics made from Maskfile (fix on 3.31.9) 20 March 2009 - New Beta Release 3.31.9 Changes: - Translation updates. Bugfix: - Sometimes the mosaic had a smaller size than the specified parameters (fix on 3.31.8) 18 March 2009 - New Beta Release 3.31.8 News: - Several new Patterns for Portrait and Landscape tiles. Extra Patterns available with the AndreaMosaic Bonus Pack - Improved MaskFile processing. With Black color you can define tile boundaries without a border. Use All Images in Collection option will not place the tiles on the border - AndreaMosaic Portrait version is integrated into the Standard version. Added Spanish Translation - Black&White mosaics can be saved as colored mosaics with the feel of a black&white mosaic Changes: - Better Pattern Description for Parquet and Mixed, and translation updates.

Minor User Interface changes. When loading/saving files the last used path will be initially shown Bugfix: - Translation and minor user interface fixes 8 March 2009 - New Beta Release 3.31.7 BugFix: - Fixed bug when extracting frames from a Video/Movie file (was unable to save) - Minor changes in the translations 23 February 2009 - New Beta Release 3.31.6 News: - New patterns 'Parquet' and 'Mixed' for allowing Landscape and Portrait tiles in the same mosaic. Minor user interface fixes 8 February 2009 - New Beta Release 3.31.5 News: - Added language selection in main window - Added Chinese Language - Minor changes (bigger font for Tooltip, Mosaic Information shows usable/total tiles in Tile Archive, bug fixes) 6 January 2009 - New Beta Release 3.31.4 News: - Added language selection in main window - Added French Language 22 December 2008 - New Beta Release 3.31.1 Changes: - Improved algorithm when specifying the Frame distance parameter in the More Options. 19 December 2008 - New Beta Release 3.31.0 News: - It is possible to specify the location of the saved Mosaic.

Changes: - New image resize and new tile building processing for reduced memory usage and improved quality. MaskFile use a new algorithm, with White as transparent color and higher tollerance - Improved Interface for Extracting Frames from Video, with automatic Frame size calculation - The Faster algorithm support now the Frame parameters and No-Duplicated tiles together. System error messages are in English now - Added Italian Language BugFix: - Fixed wrong rotations of tiles (if main tile is rotated and flipping required) 24 October 2008 - New Release 3.30.4 Changes: - Added support for Windows 98, Windows Millenium, Windows NT (maybe it works on Windows 95 too).

General Known Issues: - Web Page HTML file has wrong name for the main image if mosaic is splitted. improved Tooltip mouse handling. Windows 98 Known Issues: - Tool Tip available only on main windows. Select Tiles: Image Icon's are shown incorrectly. Linux Known Issues: - the? Button doesn’t open the User Manual, but there is a shortcut in the Windows Start Menu.

Web Page HTML file has wrong name of tiles, editing base folder is a workaround. When saving a collection the default file extension is not automatically added. Drag&Drop from File Manager/Desktop works well on GNOME but not on KDE. Internet Web Link to AndreaPlanet web site in ToolTip and AboutBox works only with the Windows 98/ME version. Video Extraction from Movies (require VfW codecs). I tried without success the K-Lite codec pack.

16 October 2008 - New Release 3.30.3 Changes: - Removed 'beta' from title Window. 8 October 2008 - New Release 3.30.2 Changes: - Updated User Manual. Splitting Window is shown automatically if Mosaic is greater than the limits of the saved File Format - Fixed minor bug when calculating the size of very large mosaics. 23 September 2008 - New Release 3.30 Changes: - More messages, tooltips and minor fixes.

Pdf Mosaic Quick Tour For Mac

22 September 2008 - New Release 3.23.10 Beta Improvements: - Improved Mosaic Quality: Tile selection improved colour accuracy. Improved Black&White conversion. Improved Image Comparison algorithm - Improved performance when loading large JPG files. DPI/PPI Resolution is now saved into the final Mosaic. Changes: - More messages, changes to existing messages and tooltip layout changes - When selecting Black&White tiles the resulting mosaic will be automatically in Black&White Bug Fixes: - Fixed several bugs Known Issues: - Linux: the?

Button doesn’t open the User Manual, but there is a shortcut in the Windows Start Menu. Linux: Web Page HTML file has wrong name of tiles, editing base folder is a workaround. Linux: When saving a collection the default file extension is not automatically added. Linux: Drag&Drop from File Manager/Desktop works well on GNOME but not on KDE. Web Page HTML file has wrong name for the main image if mosaic is splitted.

User Manual is not updated. 10 September 2008 - New Release 3.23.4 Beta New Features: - New 'High Quality' Mosaic Processing. It produces better mosaics. New 'Unique Variations' Mosaic Processing. It is useful for creating mosaics with real tiles.

New Color Change Processing in the More Options Window - Full compatibility for Pen Drive deployment. You can use the program on your Pen Drive without installing it. Rotation option is split between 90 and 180 degrees rotation - Professional version allows to create mosaics up to 8 Gigapixels (this is a image made of over 24 Gigabytes) - Select Tiles: Added Exclude and Required Folder.

Required images are always included in a mosaic even if they don't fit well. Select Tiles: Added Drag&Drop for multiple directory selecting - Select Tiles: A preview of all available Images for the Tiles is shown in the fourth list - Mosaic Information is shown in custom measure units - Full support for Improvements: - Improved Mosaic Quality - Improved Performance - Reduced Memory Usage - Improved Status Message - Improved layout when XP Theme is not available (Windows 2000, Linux, etc) Changes: - The resulting mosaic is not shown but only saved - Select Tiles Window: Removed Analyze button, it is done automatically at each Save. Parameter Tile Size: nnn Tiles x Row is calculated always on Rows even with Portrait images.

New ToolTip layout Bug Fixes: - Fixed several bugs Known Issues: - Large bright images (over 3 Megapixel) in your Tile Archive are used when not needed. Linux: the? Button doesn’t open the User Manual, but there is a shortcut in the Windows Start Menu. Linux: Web Page HTML file has wrong name of tiles, editing base folder is a workaround. Linux: When saving a collection the default file extension is not automatically added.

Mosaic size is shown with a wrong conversion when switching to feet or meter - User Manual is not updated. 21 August 2008 - New Release 3.23.0 Beta New Features: - New User Interface made with a simple and clear design - Preview of how the original image is splitted into Tiles - All input parameters are designed to be easy to understand and to insert - It is possible to specify the parameters in any unit: pixel, inch, feet, meter, cm, tiles, tiles x row. It is possible to make mosaics looking like a wall, see Pattern option - It is possible to specify individually the kind of variations to allow (Flipping, Rotating). It is possible to specify a custom color for the Border. Increased number of variations with AndreaMosaic Square Version when rotations is enabled. Two new Image Compare algorithm: Stronger and Weaker.

The Image Collection support multiple Folders - Improved Memory usage. Improved Performance in several situations. Improved Mosaic Quality. Option to Split the final Mosaic in different pieces. Option to create automatically a project file to publish your mosaic on the web using Microsoft Silverlight Technology. Option to save the resulting mosaic as a Windows BMP file for maximum image quality (no compression). Support for internationalization.

Soon AndreaMosaic can be translated into any world language. Translators Wanted. All the produced files are saved in a subdirectory Bug Fixes: - Old algorithm used to rotate the tiles even if Flipping was disabled. Fixed bug when updating the collection and some images was removed. Several minor corrections 12 August 2008 - Updated the User License, AndreaMosaic is now creditware. Added List of Artworks created with AndreaMosaic to the home page.

8 May 2008 - 3.22.0 - Updated User Manual. 8 March 2008 - 3.22.0 - Raised limits of the maximum size of your mosaic to 200 MegaPixels. Improved Performance and Memory Usage.

17 September 2007 - 3.21.0 - Option for to use all Images in your Collection. Option to specify Quality of saved JPG Mosaic.

Improved Memory Usage. Improved Performance. Added Progress Bar. Smoother User Interface through Multithreading support. Improved limits on maximum mosaic size.

Maximum 32000 Tiles. 50 MegaPixels Image size. Status line for detailed processing information. It is now possible to stop the mosaic process at any time. Fixed the preview window of the original image, sometimes not working well. 18 July 2006 - 3.20.0 - Added option for specifying the size of the created Web Page.

The Web Page now zoom automatically the image while moving the mouse. Fixed some bugs. Updated the Donation List in the AboutBox! 10 October 2005 - 3.19.0 - Added option for saving an image to Bitmap Format. Improved quality on saving the final mosaic. 15 August 2005 - 3.18.5 - Added Sample Image Collection made with over 500 tiny sample images 1 August 2005 - 3.18.3 - Added some Photo Utilities for advanced users only. Minor fixes in the Text Report File and Updated User Manual about the Text Report File.

Change: The Tiles X Row parameter is no longer used as Tiles X Col if Height Width. 6 July 2005 - 3.17.6 - Updated User Manual - Image Preview is centered to the Desktop Screen. Added Buttons for User Guide and Online Help. Added Usage Count in the About Box.

Improved Mosaic Total Size and Total Tile count. Added Quality parameter in the support for very Big Mosaics. The Total Size and Tile Count was replaced with two new parameters TileWidth and Tiles per Row. So it is possible to give an exact size for the final mosaic/single tiles. New parameter Maximum Number of duplicated tiles.


Together with the parameter Minimum distance between every duplicated tile it is possible to customize tile duplication. Minor fixes. 25 May 2005 - 3.16.5 - New release 'AndreaMosaic NTSC' in order to create photographic mosaics with tiles in NTSC video format. Drag & Drop Support. If you drag and Image from Windows Explorer to AndreaMosaic it will be added to the Image List.

The Sequence Algoritm will work only on directories/files of the Image Collection that contain the name 'FRAMES'. Minor improvements for the Square version & flipping problem. BugFix: Fixed position of the tiles in the Map of the HTML File.

BugFix: The Movie Extraction function now write correctly the JPG files. BugFix: When the parameter duplicated tiles was set to 0 then the Sequence Algorithm did not worked.

BugFix: When creating an Image Collection also images with JPEG and JPE extensions are included. 7 November 2004 - New Release 3.15 - New release 'AndreaMosaic Portrait' in order to create photographic mosaics with tiles in portrait format. Now it is possibile to use images files (JPG) in CMYK format in addition to RGB and Grayscale formats. 1 November 2004 - New Release 3.14 - Now it is possible to save a Report as a Text file or Web/HTML file. 11 August 2003 - New Release 3.13 for Cinescope and Square - Now it is possible to create mosaics with Cinescope tiles (aspect ratio 16:9) or Square tiles (same width and height of every tile).

11 August 2003 - User Manual in English - Finally I wrote some pages on how to use the program! 12 April 2003 - New Release 3.13 - The Extract from Movie window have now a preview feature of the extracted frames.

8 April 2003 - New Release 3.12 - The progress indicator is now more smoother and I added some more information in the About Box.