Apple Memory Upgrades For Mac

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  1. Apple Memory Upgrades For Mac Download
  2. Apple Memory Upgrade Mac Mini

Is your new Macbook letting you down? Maybe your Apple server isn’t giving an optimal performance? Here at Offtek, we provide matched Apple memory upgrades for your Apple laptop, desktop, printer and server, so you can get the performance you deserve from the products you love. A RAM upgrade from us is reliable and guaranteed to be compatible with your Apple device. Depending on your requirements, we can recommend the right amount of memory to best suit your processing needs. Whether you need a simple upgrade or something more powerful to see you through to multimedia editing and gaming, we have the perfect memory solution for you. You can contact the Offtek Privacy Officer at any point should you have any queries relating to our.

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Did you know that your Mac is an excellent gaming machine? You don't need a PC to run League of Legends! Find out how to optimize your Mac for games and learn where to go for the best game titles in 2014. Back in 2010, finding a game for your Mac was sparse at best. Times have changed with the onset of Steam and the Mac App Store.

Valve’s Steam has opened the door for digital distribution of commercial and indie games that often work on the Mac. With Steam, users only have to buy one license of a game across the Windows / OS X platform. Steam also allows gamers to save their progress on the cloud, called cloud saves, something even the Mac App Store has yet to adopt. The Mac App Store While the Mac App Store allowed for game publishers to get instant distribution of their games, this tends to serve the “everyday” gamer, not your hardcore, graphic –intensive MMORPG gamer. Nonetheless, game developers saw a business opportunity and it has spawned a wave of budding entrepreneurs.

Some leading Mac game publishers in the market today are Aspyr and Feral, with a company like Transgaming that helps PC game publishers port over to OS X. Windows on a Mac As you would expect, the vast majority of game developers still launch their product for the PC gamer in mind, particularly for those that require faster frame rates, and then port over to OS X months later.

However, seeing how the PC hardware market is dying while the Mac continues to show steady growth, PC developers now realize that the average MacBook Pro is probably one of the best hardware devices out in the market today for a Windows operating environment. Bootcamp Thankfully, Apple tends to agree.

Probably one of Apple’s less known utilities is Bootcamp. This allows you to partition your hard drive so that it can natively run Windows on your Mac.

As it happens, by playing the same Windows version of the game on Bootcamp, it actually runs faster than it would on OS X! This is in large part due to the Windows-based graphics drivers. What To Do Next It’s likely you bought your Mac for any host of reasons other than for gaming.

However, that shouldn’t stop you from taking advantage of what’s out in the market today. Your Mac, in large part, can probably fare very well in the battle arena! And of course, don’t forget to upgrade your RAM if you plan on giving it a whirl! Gaming can be very memory intensive. If you’re uncertain about how much RAM your machine can handle, please visit our page and find out if your system can accept more RAM than is published by Apple.

Watch out for Widgets: Go into the Utilities folder and start your Activity Monitor. This will show you what applications are running and what processes are going on in the computer.

You will also find out what apps and processes are taking up the most memory. Look at some of the processes that are not necessary for what you are doing with your computer and make note of them. This is going to make cleaning the startup much easier. Change your preferences for what programs are going to start when you turn on the computer. You can turn off the ones you do not need. It can make the computer turn on and “move” a bit faster when you are using it. WIDGETS that you have on your desktop could be stealing quite a bit of your memory as well.

Apple Memory Upgrades For Mac

Apple Memory Upgrades For Mac Download

Unnecessary Apps and Files - Look at your applications folder and all of the programs and applications you have there. How many of those applications are you using regularly? How many did you install, use once, and forget you even had? It’s time to remove those programs and all their associated files so you can clean out your. You can find some cheap and even free programs that can help you clear them out if you do not want to take the time to uninstall them and find all the associated files on your own. Now it’s time to run Disk Utility, which you will find in the Utilities section of the computer.

This will repair your disks so computer runs more efficiently. This process can take quite a bit of time, so make sure you have something else you will be able to do in the meantime. Dealing with Your Battery and Troubleshooting Memory - When you find you are having trouble with your life, the first thing you will want to do is calibrate it to make sure it is accurate and you really are dropping significant battery power. One of the best apps you can find in the Mac App Store is Battery Health. The app will let you know all of the important information about your battery including the battery capacity, the current charge level and power usage, and even how many times you’ve charged it. This is great for keeping an eye on your battery and knowing when you actually need to replace it.

Apple Memory Upgrade Mac Mini

You see, all batteries are going to have a finite lifetime. When your battery gets older and simply cannot hold a charge, you might find it is time for a new battery.

You could also consider resetting the system management controller to get a bit more life from your battery. If you are still having trouble, do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-831-4569 or by email at. We are able to offer live help on the other end and we don’t make you go through a difficult directory system to get the help you need. Just call us and we can help. We have a selection of that are perfect for those who have batteries on their final charges. Updates - Something else you want to consider when it comes to the speed, health, and life of your computer is updates. How often do you see there is an update and simply ignore it?

Never ignore those updates – they are for the good of your computer, and they do not usually take long to install. The listed Apple tech spec for upgrading to OS X Mavericks is a minimum of 2GB of RAM. If you have 2007 or 2008 Mac and have never updated your memory before, you may only have 1GB of RAM in your machine. If you only have 1GB of RAM, you will have to upgrade to the minimum of 2GB before you can install Mavericks. To check how much RAM your Mac currently has, click on your Apple menu in the upper left-hand corner and click '.' The line that reads Memory will tell you if your Mac has the necessary 2GB of RAM or if you will need to upgrade before you can install Mavericks.

Although Apple's minimum requirement is 2GB, our experience has been that Mavericks is very memory intensive. For this reason, we believe users will see better performance with Mavericks if they upgrade to 4GB of memory at a minimum, with an even better performance with 6GB of memory in the machine. Find out if your machine has been tested by Ramjet Labs to go beyond the Apple specification of 4GB, something we call. Commercial dvd rebuilder alternatives for mac. MacBook Air and Retina Models The MacBook Air and Retina Models of the MacBook Pro unfortunately come with memory soldered onto the board and cannot be user-upgraded after purchase, so what you currently have in these models is your maximum memory. However, it should be noted all Retina MacBook Pros come with either 8GB or 16GB of RAM, which should be more than enough to install Mavericks.

Owners of these machines should have no concerns. Early MacBook Air 2GB Version The very earliest MacBook Air models that can upgrade to Mavericks (2008 and 2009 models) did come with the minimum requirement of 2GB of memory, but based on our expectations, may perform less than optimized. If you have already upgraded to Mountain Lion on your 2008 or 2009 MacBook Air, you should have a good idea of how your machine will run should you decide to upgrade to Mavericks. Read on to find out about Mavericks and what it might mean for your Mac. Apple stated they want to get Mavericks to as many users as possible, so they have enabled OS X Mavericks to be useable on machines up to six years old, going back to 2007 models.

If your machine was able to install and run Mountain Lion, you can also upgrade your machine to Mavericks. The official list from Apple includes all of their current machine families - Mac Pro, iMac, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and Mac mini - and also includes some older MacBooks and an Xserve model as well. The following Macs will be able to upgrade to Mavericks.

Mavericks is here! Apple announced the launch of OS X Mavericks at their keynote event on October 22nd, available immediately - and with the additional exciting news that downloading Mavericks would be completely free.

Apple believes their latest OS, and the upgraded apps that come with it, makes for the best version of OS X yet and wants as many users as possible to be able to use it. Certainly the price tag of free makes it easily accessible, and many users are now looking to upgrade even if they weren't thinking about it before. Preparing for Mavericks With Apple wanting as many users as possible to be able to upgrade to Mavericks, they've released tech specs outlining what you need to upgrade. We break it down for you and will walk you through what your machine will need to upgrade and what you can do to prepare your computer to upgrade to the latest, most powerful Apple OS yet.

Continue reading to find out if your Mac can. Mavericks has been released in the same method as Lion and Mountain Lion before it - through the Mac App Store.

The Mac App Store began being bundled with OS X 10.6.6 and above, but Apple lists running OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or later as a requirement to upgrading. If you are running a previous version of Snow Leopard, you can simply run your Software Updates and update to the latest version and be ready to upgrade your OS to Mavericks. Leap-frogging Lion and Mountain Lion Apple only lists the OS requirement as Snow Leopard or later - users do not have to upgrade their operating system incrementally to be able to install Mavericks. For example, a user running the latest version of Snow Leopard does not have to worry about installing Lion, then Mountain Lion, then Mavericks - this user will be able to go direct to Mavericks. As long as you are running the required OS of 10.6.8 or later, you simply need to access the App Store, download Mavericks, and let your Mac do the rest for you - and the newest version of OS X will be at your fingertips.

Run Software Updates Even if your machine currently meets the OS requirements, running Software Updates from your Apple Menu before upgrading is a great idea regardless of which version of OS X you have installed, and will also ensure your machine has the latest updates to included software such as Safari, iCalendar, and more – this will make updating to Mavericks just that much more smooth of a process for you. We always recommend users run Software Updates and use the latest version of their OS, even when not preparing to upgrade to a new operating system. Each update to the operating system includes bug fixes and can even include security fixes, ensuring your computer runs as smoothly and safely as possible. Read on to find out about. One of the new features Apple is introducing on OS X Mavericks is called Compressed Memory.

For users who have older Macs and are experiencing an Apple RAM upgrade limit to your machine, the new Compressed Memory feature should be very exciting. While your machine will always run faster and better with more physical memory added, Compressed Memory brings a new way to help you get the best out of your machine when you've hit a RAM upgrade limit. What is Compressed Memory? When your machine approaches it's maximum memory capacity, Mavericks will start compressing data from inactive apps and files to free up more memory.

This feature is used alongside Virtual Memory, which stores data on your hard drive when you are running at maximum memory capacity – but unlike Virtual Memory, which stores objects at full size, Apple claims Compressed Memory will reduce segment size by more than 50%, requiring less space on the drive. Compressed Memory is also expected to be very fast, compressing and decompressing a page of memory in millionths of a second, faster than traditional read and write speeds to a hard drive. What Does This Mean For Me? Compressed memory offers less wear and tear on your hard drive, which will extend the drive's lifespan; less hard drive usage which will keep your system running cooler, which is better for all components; and on a laptop, less hard drive use and a cooler system (less fan activity) also means greater battery life. Compressed Memory is looking to be a great feature, and Apple has measured Mavericks to respond 1.4 times faster than Mountain Lion under load and even wake faster from standby. More physical memory is still always going to be better and faster than relying on Compressed Memory and Virtual Memory, but for those 2008 and 2009 MacBook Air users who are unfortunately limited to 2GB of memory, Compressed Memory should encourage you that Mavericks may actually run more smoothly than Mountain Lion on your machine. Read on to find out about recommendations for before upgrading.

The requirement for free hard drive space to upgrade to OS X Mavericks is the same as was required to upgrade to Mountain Lion. Your machine must have 8GB of available space to be able to download and install Mavericks. Historically, Apple has been increasing the amount of hard drive space required with each OS version they release, but they have been able to keep the requirements for Mavericks the same as Mountain Lion - good news for users who are running tight on hard drive space! External Storage Options from Ramjet If you don't have enough hard drive space free or have just enough to upgrade, it might be time to consider replacing your existing hard drive with a larger drive, or purchasing an to use as additional storage for your files. In the time where many of us store our family photos, videos, and entire music libraries on our computers, it's easy to see how drive space could be used quickly.

Apple's Time Machine Luckily, if you decide to replace your main hard drive, Apple makes it easy to migrate your entire machine onto the new drive using an external hard drive, Time Machine, and the 'restore from a backup' function. Alternatively, when you upgrade to Mavericks can also be a great time to install to a new, fresh drive and simply bring all your data files over rather than cloning the entire system and system files. Read on to find out what else we recommend. So you know your Mac will be able to upgrade, and your machine meets all the listed technical requirements to run Mavericks. Besides ensuring your system meets the technical requirements and running software updates, it's also a good idea to create a full backup of your machine before you upgrade. While major bugs are frequently worked out before an OS becomes available for consumers to make upgrading safe, having a functional backup of your system at any time is the best way to ensure you won't lose any of your valuable data. Using Time Machine for Your Backup Apple makes backing up your entire machine easy for their users with Time Machine.

Connect an to your Mac via FireWire, or USB, and Time Machine will ask if you want to use the drive as your backup disk. You can also open Time Machine and use the Select Disk button to manually change your backup destination. Having a backup of your data is always important. You never know when you might stumble on a major bug or have your hard drive fail, so we at Ramjet always recommend having a backup. Time Machine will also continue to create backups for you after you've set it up to ensure you are protected in the future even after you upgrade.

Mavericks promises to bring exciting new features to Macs, and the fact that Apple has made it available to a wide range of users and available to download for free should help take all these new features to as many users as possible. We hope our tips have helped you get your machine ready to upgrade. If you need help upgrading your RAM or hard drive to be able to upgrade to Mavericks, we'd be happy to help you via our live chat, e-mail at, or give us a call at 1-800-831-4569.